University College
What is Univ1010 Like?
UNIV 1010 (University Seminar) covers a wide range of topics that help students find success in their first year of college.
Classes are small; approximately 20-25 students per class, so students quickly connect with other students and their instructor. The course has been designed to provide students individualized instruction and personal advice about techniques essential for college survival and college success.
The curriculum is organized around helping students develop four skills that are critical for success in college:
In addition, students will be oriented to key structures that undergird their college experience, including our Learning Management System and other technologies used in many classes, the intricacies of registration and the academic calendar, and the physical and online campus environment.
The course requires two textbooks; the summer reading book, and Dave Dillon’s Blueprint for Success in College and Career, which is an Open Educational Resource (OER) available to students in a variety of electronic formats at no charge.
Individual class sessions are interactive and focused on student learning. Class sessions are not simply about passing on information to students (i.e., lecture), rather sessions involve students collaboratively learning and making meaning of the sometimes-complicated concepts that we cover. Some examples of work students created as they process and make meaning of course information follow.

This is a production of the “True Blue Pledge” by a UNIV 1010 class
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Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro.
Main Number 615-494-7714
Beverlee Bohn, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714
Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714