University College
Areas of Emphasis in Partnership with Agriculture
As the demands placed on the world’s food supply continue to build, so does the importance of managing the farms and supply lines that help meet those demands. Dairy or meat, crop or herd, barn or warehouse—MTSU’s farm labs, fully operational dairy facility, and multiple agri-industry partnerships provide a hands-on, experiential learning environment that is hard to beat.
Students may consider a minor in agriculture, business administration, or leadership studies.
If you would like to talk to someone in Agribusiness, you can contact Dr. Gill at: or call: 615-898-2404.
Required: ABAS 2130 (or 1201) and ABAS 3130
Then the remaining hours from the following ABAS classes:
- ABAS 1201 – Agribusiness: Fundamentals and Applications
- ABAS 2010 – World Food and Society
- ABAS 2130 – Introduction to Agribusiness
- ABAS 3130 – Principles of Agricultural Economics
- ABAS 3140 – Real Property Law for Commerce and Agriculture
- ABAS 3160 – Value Added Agriculture
- ABAS 3200 – International Wine Industry
- ABAS 3810 – Milk Processing and Marketing
- ABAS 3850 – Wine Science and Industry
- ABAS 4115 – Agritourism
- ABAS 4130 – Agricultural Price Analysis and Price Management
- ABAS 4140 – Economics of Agribusiness Management
- ABAS 4145 – Agricultural Finance
- ABAS 4150 – Agricultural Policy
- ABAS 4160 – Agricultural Cooperatives
- ABAS 4170 – Equine Industry
- ABAS 4180 – Internship in Agribusiness
- ABAS 4190 – International Agriculture
- ABAS 4200 – Fruit and Vegetable Marketing
- ABAS 4810 – The Food Industry
- ABAS 4820 – Principles of Food Processing
- ABAS 4830 – Food Quality Control
- ABAS 4850 – Food Safety Issues from Production to Consumption
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Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro.
Main Number 615-494-7714
Beverlee Bohn, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714
Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714