University College
University College Faculty Research/Creative Activity Grant
The UC MT-IGO (University College Middle Tennessee Internal Grant Opportunities) provides initial or seed funding for research programs, scholarly initiatives, or creative scholarship projects.
Timeline and Key Dates
There are two solicitation periods for applications (Fall and Spring).
The Fall application deadline is September 1, and the Spring application deadline is March 15. Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.
Proposal Review Period: One month from the application deadline.
The project period will be from July to May within the same fiscal year. Funding will begin July 1st and end May 31st. All funds must be expended within the project period they are awarded. No-cost extensions are not permitted.
UC tenured or tenure-track faculty authorized to serve as a Principal Investigator (PI) and those who did not receive UC internal funding in the previous year are eligible to apply.
Proposal Requirements
A 2-page document will be required as part of the submission via dynamic forms. The submission should not be longer than 2 pages, including references. An additional page with the budget explanation should be attached. The document should address each area of the evaluation criteria on the Policy Document, including the budget.
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Contact Us
Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro.
Main Number 615-494-7714
Beverlee Bohn, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714
Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714