University College
Summer Courses at MTSU
MTSU Summer Sessions offers hundreds of courses in a variety of formats. Search for courses on PipelineMT by subject, day, time, level, or specific characteristics such as distance learning, honors, general education, interdisciplinary programs, prescribed courses, study abroad, EXL, Raider Learning Communities, and off-campus for the selected term.
The above search is a text search with detailed information. Access your PipelineMT account and click on “Look Up Classes” to search and receive results in an easy-to-read, grid format.
Summer 2024 Terms
Full: 5/20 – 8/9
S3A: 5/20 – 6/7
S6A: 5/20 – 6/28
S5A: 5/28 – 6/28
S3B: 6/10 – 6/28
S3C: 7/1 – 7/19
S6B: 7/1 – 8/9
S5B: 7/8 – 8/9
S3D: 7/22 – 8/9
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Contact Us
Our offices are located at 503 E. Bell Street, off Greenland Drive, in Murfreesboro.
Main Number 615-494-7714
Beverlee Bohn, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714
Andrea Medlin, UC Receptionist, 615-494-7714